The program is one of six bridge programs within Maricopa Community College District that offers Native high school students the opportunity to begin their career journey while in high school.
Students can earn college and high school credit concurrently all while participating in a program whose goal is to increase academic achievements and prepare students for a successful transition into a post secondary setting.
Jackson Harris, the Program Coordinator, organized the event, bringing designers together from throughout the southwest to showcase their garments and give Hoop of Learning students a glimpse of the fashion industry.
Harris explained, "This is a perfect chance for some of my students to look around and see what is being offered to them. Some of the students may want to become a designer, a photographer or event planner in the future."
The theme of the show was "Ancestral Treasures Expressed Through Fashion."
Most of the designers incorporated a pop/modern twist to their collections. RVSO DSGN, Apache Skateboards, Martini Couture, UN3EK SY5TEM, and Nizhoni Apparel (see video below) were all on the roster.


Apache Skateboards:

Martini Couture:

Nizhoni Way Apparel:
(Images are all designers' own, unless otherwise noted)
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