Native actress Kateri Walker walked onto the Red Carpet at the 83rd Annual Oscars holding Navajo bead artist and fashion designer Orlando Dugi's "Regal Dignity" peacock purse.
Kateri Walker is a tribal member of the Chippewa of the Thames First Nation in Ontario and the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan. She recently starred in Shelley Niro’s directorial debut of the Mohawk feature film, Kissed by Lightning (2009). You can see the trailer of Kissed by Lightning on YouTube when you search the title.

"Regal Dignity" - Evening peacock purse. Fully beaded front with vintage beads sizes 22, 18 and 15. Also size 13 Czech cut beads, size 15 copper metal beads, size 13 24 kt gold electroplated glass beads, 18 kt gold wire, Israli cut aqua marine beads. Back completely hand sewn ostrich and peacock feathers and Swarovski crystals and white velvet. Inside is lined with an iridescent purple dupioni silk. Front images completely beaded one single bead at a time. (Photo by SWAIA.)
Click here to read more about Orlando Dugi.