King Galleries of Scottsdale present:
Virgil Ortiz: Contortionista: VO Cirque Performers
Saturday, March 6, 2-4 pm
during the 52nd Annual Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair & Market 2010
The fantasies and imagination of Virgil Ortiz take a new turn in Contortionista: VO Cirque Performers. This new series of clay figures and vessels delight the senses and amaze the eye. Virgil has taken inspiration from the late 1800s Munos figures of Cochiti Pueblo which depicted Southwestern traveling circus sideshow acts. Today, Virgil’s pieces tumble, twist and meld together as never thought possible before. They seemingly defy gravity as they rise above the pedestals, taking flight to the ceiling and the walls. Virgil brings Contortionista: VO Cirque Performers to the center ring and delivers an unexpected exhibition.