I've recently started a 'Best of' post for each month where I highlight some of the coolest images, the most interesting articles, the biggest misappropriators, and the neatest videos that were posted to the Beyond Buckskin Facebook page. So, now that we're way into November, it's safe to look back at October and pick out some good ones, so, fashionistas, here you go:
1. There was this Hipster PSA:
2. The Lone Ranger Trailer was released! And the debate continues...
3. There was 'Navajo' fashion in the UK
4. We got to meet the London-based African version of Beyond Buckskin. I'm glad to see there's an international movement to create platforms for underrepresented fashion designers!
5. Virgil Ortiz launched his Rain Collection jewelry designs in collaboration with super cool man Kenneth Johnson.
6. Columbus Day came and the Native Americans Discovered Columbus tee showed up in this cool Savage Media video....
..... and on all these cool folks:
7. With Columbus Day behind us, we now get to look forward to another holiday that hasn't been to kind to Native Americans, and I humbly made the request "Do not dress up your dog like an Indian for Halloween," I mean, it does add a new meaning to the phrase 'half-breed,' but just say no.
8. SWAIA released their video that packs all the highlights into one cool montage, and I make an appearance at 1:15 and 4:05, and you get to see all the Market winners and images from the Native American Clothing Contest.
9. There was this cool article answering the confusing question, "But what if I want to wear indigenous jewellery?" and College Fashion sought to make you Fashionably Informed: Cultural Appropriation and Stereotyping in Retail Fashion. The Claremont Port Side also chimed in on cultural misappopriation in fashion.
10. The 1491s launched this video in response to Indian mascots, playing Indian, and redface.
11. Jamie Okuma continues to knock our socks off:

13. We were unsuccessful in taking this fake-Indian and his lame brick-a-brack purses off Etsy because Etsy condones illegal and unethical business practices, and the Indian Arts and Crafts Board is underfunded and cannot uphold the Indian Arts and Crafts Act.

15. Two Native American female designers showed collections at LA Fashion Week - Bethany Yellowtail and Kristen Dorsey - they are two mega-talented ladies who are representing Indian Country in a real good way! (Post to come!)
16. We added Dr. Phil to my sh*t list with his horrible, disrespectful and uneducated attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act.
17. Kateri was canonized, but this Hipster Sister caused a major reaction from Beyond Buckskin page fans, and over 43 of you felt compelled to leave a comment about it
18. Russell Means, American Indian Activist, Dies at 72
19. Chickasaw fashion designers Margaret Roach Wheeler and Maya Stewart provide opportunities for teens in the field of fashion. Good job ladies! We need more of this.
20. There was the "Explore Fashion Show" held in Tuba City:
21. There were a lot of folks doing some tacky Native appropriations, including this person at Katy Perry's birthday party, Blondfire and their "Where the Kids Are" video, the Flo Rida approved football uniforms (wtf?), and this Korean pop video.
22. We braced ourselves for Halloween with this checklist, this article made me cringe, but we were happy to hear that the company pulled their Sassy Squaw costume (I can't believe that such a thing could even exist)
23. Finally, I got super excited for the Holidays when I saw these adorable beaded gift earrings made by Rae Anne Simmons!
Oh just wait until I do November's "Best of"... not to give it away, but there's already going to be a ton of headdresses in it..........