One of the few objects that retains (if not expands) its value over time- you can never go wrong with some Indigenous bling!
This event, held at the Museum of Contemporary Native Arts in Santa Fe features jewelry by Shawn Bluejacket, Keri Ataumbi, Cippy CrazyHorse, Angie Reano-Owen, Jennifer Smith, Chris Pruitt, Duane Maktima, Marguerite Houle, and Paul Moore. The jewelry extravaganza will spotlight his-and-her combinations of bracelets and buckles.
Many Native fashion designers have been influenced by jewelers (Charles Loloma's color combinations provide great inspiration!), and jewelers have undoubtedly been influenced by the Native and non-Native fashion worlds. Check out this event to see the latest in Native bling.
Event Information:
Indigenous Bling
Jewelry Extravaganza!
Start Time: Friday, November 6, 2009 at 10:00am
End Time: Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 5:00pm
Location: Museum of Contemporary Native Arts
Street: 108 Cathedral Place
City/Town: Santa Fe, NM
Phone: 5059831666
Email: mohnesorgen@iaia.edu